Week 1: Super Hectic

Treatment started the Tuesday after Memorial Day (29 May).  It turned out to be quite the busy week.  In addition to starting my daily trips to Northwestern Medicine, three other major events occurred that week.  First, I had family visiting, with my Seng, Gisela and Thomas (brother, sister-in-law, and nephew, respectively) in town.  Second, the day after treatment started, my girlfriend Aiday moved in.  Finally, that weekend was the marriage of my dear friends Andy and Nina, during which I was honored to serve as a groomsman.  My life usually isn't this exciting, but things just seemed to coincide all at once.   

Those of you who have already met Aiday know how wonderful she is.  In fact, more than a few of you have told me how you like her more than you like me.  I can take that.  We've been together over a year and a half, and I look forward to this next chapter.  

Because I was still recovering from the port placement, I couldn't lift anything, and I was "forced" into a more supervisory role during the move.  Having my family around was a great help as they moved items, put together furniture, and helped to organize.  Unpacking may will still take some more time.   I'm not sure if there are omens, we were treated to a spectacular double rainbow that afternoon.   

Double rainbow in Chicago

Double rainbow in Chicago

Ironically, the only issue I had was related to a side effect of an anti-nausea medication.   I had a brief bout of hiccups.  My energy levels during the week varied.  The first two days after chemo were relatively normal.  However, I got a little fever-ish on and had low energy on Thursday and Friday.  Fortunately, the wedding weekend perked me up and I was able to celebrate (and stand comfortably throughout the Greek orthodox ceremony).  It was great to be in such a loving environment, with two great families and wonderful friends.    

Overall, week 1 was slightly up and down but not too bad.  A lot of good things happened during the week.   

At Andy & Nina's wedding

At Andy & Nina's wedding