Week 2: Excellent

The second week of treatment could not have gone much better.  The side effects have been minimal, and I was able to settle back more into a normal pattern.  

The doctors have given me a number of medications to help manage any side effects.  I decided to forego these in the first week but did start to take the anti-nausea pills (Zofran) this week.  Those seemed to be effective, as my energy levels were good for the most part.   

I was able to maintain a normal diet and fluid intake.  Even better, I was able to go to a yoga class.  It was the first time doing any sort of physical activity in a while and it felt good.   

I am still able to take myself to the hospital.  My gym is located only 3 blocks away.  Not bad that I can save a bit on parking ($2.50 vs. $11 per day) while also getting in a short walk.  I suppose my value orientation is still intact.